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What is Renewable Energy?

As described by the National Research Council of Canada, “renewable energy is energy derived from natural processes that are replenished at a rate that is equal to or faster than the rate at which they are consumed. There are various forms of renewable energy, deriving directly or indirectly from the sun, or from heat generated deep within the earth. They include energy generated from solar, wind, geothermal, hydropower and ocean resources, solid biomass, biogas and liquid biofuels. Biomass, however, is a renewable resource only if its rate of consumption does not exceed its rate of regeneration.”

So this means in simple terms the energy created does not exceed the consumption. Systems Solar works primarily in micro-hydro, wind, solar photo-voltaic (PV), and thermal.

Additional Information

Energy-producing technologies and equipment have been developed over time to take advantage of these natural resources. So ‘usable’ energy can be produced in the form of electricity, industrial heat, thermal energy for a number of uses. 

With its large landmass and diversified geography, Canada has an abundance of renewable resources that can be used to produce energy. Canada is a world leader in the production and use of energy from renewable resources. Renewable energy resources currently provide 18.9 per cent of Canada’s total primary energy supply.

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Systems Solar now member of CanSIA

We are now members of the Canadian Solar Industries Association or better known as CanSIA. The goals of every company working to reduce the use of fossil fuels is a company with a mission. A mission to save the environment. Since Systems Solar’s goal is to get the most out of these systems it was time to join and show our support for the industry and to ensure our ideas are shared with other companies that will utilize our products and services.

You can find the association at:

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Carbon Monoxide and Climate Change

There’s a lot of talk about rising levels of carbon dioxide these days. So let’s take a quick look at its deadly cousin.

One of the most prominent factors that no one seems to be talking about in climate change is the incredible increase of carbon monoxide (CO) and decrease of oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere in recent years.

Recent studies have found that our atmosphere has the highest amount of carbon monoxide levels in the last 800,000 years and averaging around 411 Parts per Million (ppm). Three years ago, the average levels were 208 ppm, which equates to a 68% increase in just a mere three years. This increase has been documented in the past, however it would taken over 250 years to change this much.

Before 1990, CO levels increased an average of a 0.5% or less increase per year. Since 1990 the average annual rise is 2% or higher. This means that since 1990 there has been more than a 56% increase in carbon monoxide levels.

Next time you consider burning, which is pretty much anything, please remember the carbon monoxide it produces. This can be your vehicle, a woodstove fire, or even electricity that is generated by coal, oil, or natural gas.

Alternative products are renewable technologies like wind and solar panel electric as well as hydrogen fuelled catalytic convertors that produce water as a by-product.